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Transformative Faith based Travel tourism with unique experiences

Emprendedores de Hoy
jueves, 6 de junio de 2024, 06:50 h (CET)

Pilgrimage has been recognized for the last few years as a unique way of life touching experience for many people interested in religious and transformative tourism.

Statistics show that since 2022 Faith based travel has become more popular due to the connection with people, and the variety of tours, and destinations published each year.

Éxodo Peregrinaciones is part of a team specializing in international religious tourism. This tourist service includes unique experiences in pilgrimages in Rome, Greece, Jordan, Colombia, Brazil, Japan, Lebanon, Peru, Ethiopia, and other recognized areas.

The rise of pilgrimage and religious tourism

In 2023, the statistics present a remarkable and record breaking year in pilgrimage history: 442,073 pilgrims successfully completed a Camino of Santiago route, marking a small increase compared to the previous year and 400,000 Americans visited religious sites in Israel, Greece, and Turkiye each year. They go to walk where Jesus and his Apostles walked and see the land of the bible. It means that personal transformation and self-improvement growth have become important concepts in modern society in recent years. This relevance has caused many people regardless of their beliefs to open their minds to religious experiences because they have proven to be life transforming, also Pilgrimage can be attractive for other reasons, including connecting with the divine, a sense of community, and shared purpose, and the physical and psychological benefits of travel looking to live such experiences, as they introduce adventurers to introspection, spiritual renewal, and faith growth. Éxodo Peregrinaciones seeks to strengthen this growing global interest in Faith Based Travel Tourism through a dynamic portfolio of tours wish include most of the renowned holy sites. This portfolio includes the most visited pilgrimage destinations such as the Holy Land in Israel, Lourdes in France, The Route of St. Paul in Greece, and The Exodus Route in Egypt, Jordan and Israel, among others. Each tour has a religious guide who offers permanent accompaniment and advice for the integral exploration of these emblematic destinations with special attention to the pilgrim's needs.

Specialized training in religious tourism

Éxodo Peregrinaciones has positioned itself as a religious and transformative tourism specialist for pilgrimages from all over Europe and is ready to take this tourism segment to a deeper level by training Travel Agents for this sector. Each training is supported by several digital and face-to-face tools created by experienced guides. These guides share their video experiences traveling through the holy places that bear witness to the faith and give rise to the emergence of more pilgrimages. For example, an instructive training for religious tourism Travel Agents is "In the Footsteps of Padre Pio." It addresses the importance of Padre Pio as a symbol of Catholicism and the different routes in Italy that are most impressive and interesting for pilgrims about this saint and his legacy. It is important to note that Exodus Pilgrimages aims to continue sharing and developing its itineraries and knowledge with unique experiences to enhance the growth of the pilgrimage, which Agents can find online complete information about religious tourism. It does this intending to invite all believers to discover and promote the essence of faith in the most important holy places and shrines around the world.

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